I was delighted to be interviewed by Dr. Nilda Perez of Foresight Strategies Group in New York on her Dr. Nilda Show on the topic of business internationalization for American SMEs. While only 1% of America’s 30 million companies export to overseas markets, those that do export are more productive, more profitable and stay in business longer than those that don’t.



In this interview we discuss the following topics:

    • What benefits American SMEs can obtain by internationalizing their business models.
    • What types of companies can gain most from taking a global view of their business and their operational supply chains.
    • Which regions of the world offer the greatest opportunities to American companies internationally, what challenges they may face and what resources are available to them.
    • How Alba Consulting can help American companies that wish to embark on this exciting journey of internationalization.


Hope you enjoy the interview. Should you have any questions or queries in relation to the issues raised here, please contact me directly on +353 86 811 6030 or pdaly@albalogistics.com

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