Ireland’s economy has been booming and growing more than ever, years after a series of economic setbacks. Despite the geopolitical turmoil in two of its biggest trading partners– the UK and the U.S. – in the past recent months, the economic performance of Ireland has remained solid and strong.

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Milk production has been growing steadily in the developed world. In the developing world there has been some whooping increase both in the consumption and production of dairy products. Of particular interest is the infant formula, which has been a commonplace in the west, yet a prized possession in some parts of Asia : people actually lock up trusted foreign brands in safes. India alone has been the largest milk producer accounting for 16% of global production and China is the fourth largest consumer (5 billion Euros worth imported in 2013). Even though the South Asian Region is progressing in milk production, it appears to lag behind in processing, especially Infant Formula.

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A few years ago, I was asked to host an interculturalism programme for NEAR FM community radio station, the aim of which was to discover the similarities between Ireland and other countries through their writings/books/culture. It was a very interesting and enriching experience and it got me thinking about the many ‘links’, cultural and otherwise, that unite Ireland and Mexico.

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Over the years Latin American has witnessed the launch of many regional organisations with mixed outcomes in terms of tangible benefits for the member countries. However, one of the newest international organisation in the region, The Pacific Alliance, has already made significant process towards achieving its stated goals of economic integration, free trade and free movement of people.

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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Over the last 15 years or so I have had the, dubious privilege and opportunity to look deeply into the inner workings of up to a 100 warehouses all over the world – here at home in Ireland, in Britain, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North and South America.

60 to 70 per cent of these warehouses have been in manufacturing industry –in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food, beverage and industrial equipment. While all warehouse facilities that support manufacturing operations have fundamentally the same processes, one of the things that has struck me most on my travels is the divergence of standards, practices and performance across these different facilities. There is a big gap between the best-in-class and the also-rans.

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21st Century Warehousing: Strategy and Operation

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